If you are experiencing a severe dental emergency causing bleeding and /or difficulty breathing, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital’s emergency department.
At Calgary Dental Centers, our providers are dedicated to the care and attention of new and current patients. When pain and infection have occurred, certain treatments might be recommended to alleviate the discomfort and address the issue at the source. Often, this may mean the need for root canal therapy. Below are a few commonly […]
Certain dental conditions can arise unexpectedly, requiring patients to get immediate assistance for their oral health and wellness. This includes the development of a dental abscess, which requires early diagnosis and treatment to save the smile from extensive damage. Dr. Hanif Asaria and his team at Calgary Dental Centers of Calgary, Alberta, can educate you […]
Most people have heard about root canal treatment, yet many don’t fully understand the process or why it may be needed. Endodontic therapy, aka root canal treatment, is a procedure that dentists use to treat severely decayed or infected teeth to save them from extraction. In addition to saving an infected tooth, root canal therapy […]
Root canal therapy allows patients in Calgary, Alberta, to save their natural teeth. When problems arise, such as an infection, patients may be at risk of needing a tooth removed. Luckily, root canal treatment at Calgary Dental Centers can be used to maintain the tooth and eliminate the need for removal. Root canal treatment explained. When […]