If you are experiencing a severe dental emergency causing bleeding and /or difficulty breathing, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital’s emergency department.
At Calgary Dental Centers we provide comprehensive pediatric dental care services for children of all ages. Our dental specialists are passionate about working with kids and making sure they feel comfortable throughout the process. Our team goes above and beyond to ensure that we offer pain-free treatments in a fun and relaxing environment. When you entrust your child to our dental care, we will make sure that they will receive amazing care free of anxiety and fear. Below, we’ll explain some of the most common pediatric dental services that we offer to children in Calgary, AB.
Good oral health begins at home, so we’ll work with you to help your child establish the proper at-home oral hygiene habits. You should begin caring for your child’s mouth when they are infants. Simply use a damp, soft cloth to wipe down their gums after every feeding. Once the first tooth erupts, you can begin gently brushing the teeth with a rice-size amount of children’s toothpaste. Once they are old enough to learn how to spit, you can begin to use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. You can start flossing their teeth once you are no longer able to brush all the surfaces of the teeth with a toothbrush.
Once your child’s first tooth erupts you can also schedule his or her first dental exam. During this visit we will be able to begin monitoring the health of the mouth, looking for any areas of concern. We can also help provide you with information on nutrition and any question you have about your child’s teeth.
Preventing tooth decay is an important part of establishing your child’s oral health. Taking your child to the dentist every six months allows us to identify early signs of decay when they are more easily treated and allows you to make the appropriate adjustments at home to prevent further progression.
Once your child’s molars and back teeth erupt, we may recommend dental sealants. This is because the teeth in the back of the mouth have pits and fissures that are difficult to keep clean with a toothbrush alone. By applying protective sealants, we can help prevent decay in these teeth.
Let’s face it, when it comes to kids, accidents happen. We offer emergency dental services and keep time slots open during our practice hours to ensure that your child can get the treatment he or she needs in a timely manner. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do at home to help in a dental emergency.
Toothache – If your child is experiencing pain from a toothache, try using a warm saltwater rinse and placing an ice pack on the outside of the cheek in the area where it hurts. Children’s Tylenol or Ibuprofen can be given for pain. Call the office as soon as possible for an appointment.
Knocked-out permanent teeth – If you have the tooth, hold it by the crown and rinse it off gently with warm water. You can try to insert the tooth into the open socket if your child will allow it and have them bite down on gauze to keep it in place. If not, place it in a container of milk. Call the office immediately.
Broken/Cracked permanent tooth – If you have the fractured piece, save it and bring it to the office, sometimes it can be bonded into place. Call the office immediately for the best chance of preventing infection or extensive dental treatment.
If your child is active in sports, we recommend a sports mouthguard to prevent his or her teeth and gums from issue. These custom-fit appliances are comfortable and durable to protect your child’s mouth.
We also offer custom grinding appliances if your child has issues with bruxism or tooth clenching.
We have both general dentists and a board-certified pediatric specialist on staff to handle a full range of pediatric dental services. We understand how important it is for children to have a positive experience at the dentist in order to stay committed to proactive oral health for the rest of their lives. If you live in or around the Calgary, AB area and would like to learn more about our pediatric services or schedule an appointment, please call us at (403) 768-1343.