If you are experiencing a severe dental emergency, causing bleeding and /or difficulty breathing, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital’s emergency department.
Calgary’s Dental Care
New Patients:
Existing Patients:
127-12100 Macleod Trail SE, Calgary AB T2J 7G9, Canada | Directions
17th Avenue Dental Center
New Patients:
Existing Patients:
10 -5315 17 Ave SE, Calgary AB T2A 0W2, Canada | Directions

What Are the Risks of Gum Disease?

Gum disease, or periodontitis as it’s also known, is an oral infection that causes inflammation of the gums and may lead to the damage of bones that support teeth. As a result, if not treated or controlled, gum disease can cause tooth loss and other serious health complications. Calgary Dental Centers, in Calgary, prepared a list of the most common risks of gum disease you should know about:

Best Dental Clinics in Calgary Area

Health Risks of Gum Disease

Gum disease is linked with several health issues, including the following:

  • Cardiovascular disease. The bacteria that cause gum inflammation can get into the bloodstream and lead to the hardening of arteries, known as atherosclerosis. It is a severe health condition that increases the likelihood of having a heart attack.
  • Dementia. You may be surprised, but gum disease can also affect the brain. The gums that are inflamed by the infection release substances that can kill brain cells. Numerous research studies have proven that dementia and even Alzheimer’s disease can result from gingivitis.
  • Infertility. It has also been proven that women with poor oral health and chronic inflammation in their mouths may not conceive and sustain a pregnancy. It may take longer for a woman with gum disease to get pregnant than for a woman with good oral health.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. According to the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society, people with gum disease are four times more likely to have rheumatoid arthritis.

Calgary's Dental Care
New Patients:
(403) 768-1339
Existing Patients:
(403) 287-6453

17th Avenue Dental Center
New Patients:
(403) 768-1343
Existing Patients:
(403) 272-7272
Schedule an Appointment today!

Calgary Dental Centers – High-Quality Control and Treatment of Gum Disease

If you live in Calgary or any other nearby area and are looking for a clinic for gum disease treatment, you should contact Calgary Dental Centers. We offer all types of dental services and treatments, including the treatment of gum disease. We know that finding a good dentist is not an easy task, and we are ready to welcome you. 

Dr. Asaria is an experienced dental professional. If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact us at Calgary’s Dental Care by calling (403) 768-1339. To reach the 17th Avenue Dental Center, call (403) 768-1343.

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Calgary’s Dental Care - Dr. Hanif Asaria

Dr. Hanif Asaria is a dentist who serves the area of Calgary, who is devoted to helping people get the smile of their dreams. He graduated in 1989 with a DDS at the Canadian University of Alberta. He is a member of the Alberta Dental Association and the Academy of General Dentistry. He has over 28 years of experience in the areas of general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry.