If you are experiencing a severe dental emergency, causing bleeding and /or difficulty breathing, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital’s emergency department.
Calgary’s Dental Care
New Patients:
Existing Patients:
127-12100 Macleod Trail SE, Calgary AB T2J 7G9, Canada | Directions
17th Avenue Dental Center
New Patients:
Existing Patients:
10 -5315 17 Ave SE, Calgary AB T2A 0W2, Canada | Directions

Is there a treatment for receding gums caused by gum disease?

Deceding gums, also called “gum recession,” often occur due to the development and non-treatment of gum disease or periodontal disease. Gum disease is an oral infection that affects the gums and bones supporting the teeth. If left undiagnosed and ultimately untreated, gum disease often leads to receding gums, tooth loss, and other serious health problems throughout the body due to the oral-systemic connection.

Treatment for Receding Gums in Calgary AB Area

What is the suitable treatment for receding gums?

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for receding gums, as the course of action will depend on the severity of your condition. However, here are some common treatment options that Dr. Hanif Asaria of Calgary Dental Centers may recommend:

  • Scaling and root planing. The scaling and root planing procedure is a deep cleaning procedure performed at our office that removes tartar and plaque buildup from the teeth, both above and below the gum line. This reduces inflammation and promotes healing of the gums
  • Gum graft surgery. In severe cases of receding gums, gum graft surgery may be necessary. This typically involves taking tissue from another part of the mouth (usually the roof of the mouth) and grafting it to specific areas where the gums have receded. This helps to cover exposed roots and prevent further recession
  • Antibiotics. If your receding gums are caused by infection, antibiotics are often prescribed to eliminate the bacteria and promote healing. This can also treat the periodontal disease that might have caused the development of the issue and can address any medical conditions that have arisen from the oral-systemic connection, including increased risks of heart disease, diabetes, and strokes
  • Good oral hygiene practices. Keeping the teeth and gums clean is crucial in preventing and treating receding gums. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash can remove plaque and bacteria that contribute to the development of gum disease. Dr. Hanif Asaria may also recommend regular dental check-ups for evaluations and cleanings to catch these issues early on

Calgary's Dental Care
New Patients:
(403) 768-1339
Existing Patients:
(403) 287-6453

17th Avenue Dental Center
New Patients:
(403) 768-1343
Existing Patients:
(403) 272-7272
Schedule an Appointment today!

Schedule a visit with the team at Calgary Dental Centers!

Call one of our two office locations at (403) 768-1339 (Calgary’s Dental Care) or (403) 768-1343 (17th Avenue Dental Center) to learn more about ways to reverse gum disease and gum recession. 

We are open to new patients and families and look forward to meeting you!

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Calgary’s Dental Care - Dr. Hanif Asaria

Dr. Hanif Asaria is a dentist who serves the area of Calgary, who is devoted to helping people get the smile of their dreams. He graduated in 1989 with a DDS at the Canadian University of Alberta. He is a member of the Alberta Dental Association and the Academy of General Dentistry. He has over 28 years of experience in the areas of general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry.